MAS-100Eco Microbial Air Sampler

microbial Air Sampler Description

The microbial Air Sampler MAS-100 Eco® is an economical air sampler especialy made to control the air in the food and beverage industries or similar applications.


For food and beveerage industries and similar applications where air has to be controled for the microbiological contamination.


·   Compact design
·   Use of standard 90-100 mm petri dishes
·   Exchangeable battery
·   Delivered with calibration certificate
·   Easy to handle

microbial Air Sampler Specification

Sampling Speed 100L/min, ±4%
Rechargeable battery life approx. 3 h
Alkaline battery life approx. 5 h
Body material Anodized aluminum
Sampling head 400 micro-holes, available disinfection
Height 15 cm
Diameter 11 cm ( 90mm plain plate)
Weight 1.3 kg
Standard preset volume 10, 20, 50, 100, 500L(adjustable 1-1000L)
Sampling volume 1-1000 L